16 oz 3783 - no finish
Satin in the Greige - no finish
1826 yards of 16 oz/sq yd 8 harness satin weave style 3783,
44" wide fiberglass cloth
Greige - no finish
with blue tracers $2.00/yd plus shipping

For sale is 1826 yards of 3783 44" wide 8 harness satin weave e glass fiberglass cloth with blue tracers priced at $2/yd plus shipping. This is cloth we had ready to ship to a customer in CA but they seem to be backing out or something. So if you want or need some of the 16 oz/sq yd style 3783 cloth in the greige - no finish we have this lot ready to ship. The cloth is on 3 pallets - pallet # 1 is 200 yards - pallet #2 is 693 yards (337 and 356 yards) and pallet #3 is 933 yards (469 and 464 yards). So take any one, two or three of those pallets at $3/yd plus shipping. The rate we had for the whole lot going to San Diego was $553 just to give you an idea. If you are interested shoot me an email to thayercraft@cs.com. I'm so busy in this huge building I forget to keep a phone with me and much easier for me to communicate with email. My cell is 336-906-0947 if you do want to call or to call with your CC info. I think the 800 is not working so good - huge building - something. This 1826 yards of 3783 44" in the greige with blue tracers can ship immediately - same day if we get the payment all worked out by 11 am or so. Thanks for reading this email and there is a whole lot more cloth in this huge building I need to sell if I can get time to communicate what's here - probably just do one style at a time. Steve Thayer, Thayercraft Inc, 710 W Green Drive, High Point NC 27260
Just so it's clear this cloth is good for silicone rubber, heat barrier and some other applications like it is. This is not for laminating with resins. It still has the release agents on it as in the loom state and will not wet out with resins. This is what some industrial users prefer but not good for resins. It is material that can be finished where a company that weaves fabric can take it in, heat clean the release agents off and add the Silane or Chrome based Volan later.
There are 3 pallets total
1 - 200 yards
2 - 337 & 356 yards
3 - 469 & 464 yards
Buy one, two or all three pallets
Email us your address and we'll send a shipping quote.
If you like the rate we can send a PayPal request where, if you don't have a PayPal account you can enter your CC info anyway or you can call me on the cell at 336-906-0947.
Email: thayercraft@cs.com