Inventory List, Page 2 Styles 1456 to 1694 - Fiberglass Cloth Supply and Education

Photo of plain weave fiberglass cloth
Style 7500 fiberglass cloth close up photo with construction data
Located in High Point, NC.  Huge selection of woven and stitched fiberglass.  Low prices  40 years experience * fast shipping
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Inventory List, Page 2 Styles 1456 to 1694

Each row is one style and the number of approximate yards we have in stock.
The order of information from left to right is Fiberglass cloth Style, costruction data (in the order of ounces per square yard, thread count in ends per inch warp and fill and yarn warp and fill), then widths for all finishes of that style or, if linked, finishes then yards of that finish. Thread count may be missing ends/inch to save space, PW=Plain Weave, 4HS=4 harness satin 8HS=8 Harness Satin, t is beside the thickness, w is for warp, f for fill, Greige means loom state, HC=Heat Cleaned, NPH is Neutral pH, Style at far left and Yards on the far right are in bold.  Please note the yards at the end is for ALL widths and finishes of that particular style we have in stock.  

1456 1.64 oz 32x26 Brt Dacron 150/34 Warp, ECG 150 1/0Fill, 0.004"T 38,40"  14,294 yds
1457 2.06 oz 50x28 Brt Dacron 150/34 Warp, ECG 150 1/0Fill, 0.0039"T 40" 1,129 yds
1460 No construction data available 42" Greige 51 yds
1465 No construction data available 42" Greige, mostly CS704  3,290 yds
1500 4.9 oz/sq yd, 49x42ends/inch, ECE 110 1/0 Warp & Fill, 0.0053"t 38,50" CS718
1526 5.3 oz/sq yd 35x32 ends/inch, ECG150 1/2 Warp & Fill, 0.0062"t 30,50" CS112, NPH,  1,063 yds
1528 6.03 oz/sq yd 42x342 ends/inch, ECG150 1/2 Warp & Fill, 0.0062"t 38" 515 (HC) 129 yds
1530 13.2 oz/sq yd 20X18 ends/inch ECG150-3/3 W&F, 0.015"Thick 38,50" 2,993 yds
1538 6.09 oz/sq yd 44x32 ends/inch ECDE 150 1/2 Warp & Fill 38" CS508 Mostly and 955 yds
1543 8.6 oz 4HS Crwft, 40x39 85% Uni, ECG75-1/2 W, ECD450-1/2 F 38,50,51" see specific pages
1557 5.26 oz 4HS 57x30 85%WarpUni, ECG150 1/0 W, ECE225 1/0 F 38,50" 8,033 yds
1562 1.82 oz 30x16, Leno NET fabric ECG150 1/0 Warp & Fill 38" A1100, CS675, CS290, Volan 2,103 yds
1564 12.5 oz Plain 20x18 ends/inch, ECG37-1/2 W&F, 0.015"thick 38" CS112, CS724, 612 1,309 yds
1568 1.82oz 30x16, Leno NET fabric ECG150 1/0 Warp & Fill 50" Greige 61 yds
1576 10.6 oz 120x24 12HS, ECG150-1/2 W,. ECG150-1/0F,  38" F12, F43 163 yds
1579 3.56 oz 30x16 Plain, ECG150-1/2W, ECG75-1/0F, 0.0048"thick 25" 2,531 yds
1581 8.9 oz 57x54 8hs, ECG150-1/2 W&F, 0.0082" 38,44,50,56,60,72" kept up to date on specific pages
1582 14 oz 60x56 8 Harness Satin wv, ECG150-1/3 Warp & Fill, 0.0126" 38,50" CS724 Greige 6,134 yds
1583 16 oz 54x48 8 Harness Satin Wv, ECG75-1/2 Warp & Fill, 0.0016"T 38,50,60" 558,Z6040, 984,Volan, Greige 4,368 yds
1584 26.4 oz 44x35 8 Harness Satin ECG150-4/2 W&F, 0.0229"Thick  38,50" A1100, CS112, CS767 1,344 yds
1585 26.7 oz 8 harness satin weave 38,50,53" Volan, Greige 778 yds
1588 52 oz 42x35 12 Harness Satin Weave 38" 504 Volan  255 yds
1590 8.9 oz 10x5 Leno NET fabric  50,62,73" 449,CS685, 8,093 yds
1593 like a heavy crowfoot weave 40" 520 220 yds
1609 1.4 oz 32x10 Ls Plain, ECG150-1/0W, ECD450-1/0Fill, 0.0028"T 40,48" Mostly CS210,517, 14,460 yds
1610 2.4 oz 32x27, Pw ECG150-1/0 W & F 0.0035"Th 37,38,40,44,66,74" CS3996, Heat cleaned, 1000 yds
1611 2.42 oz 32x28 ECG150-1/0 Warp, ECDE 150-1/0 Fill, 0.0035"Th 49"225 yds
1614 2.3 oz 30x14 Leno NET ECG150-1/0W, ECG75-1/0 Fill 37,38,39,56,58" CS4175, 242 Greige 5,236 yds
1617 2.3 oz 30x14 Plain Weave Fabric ECG150-1/0W, ECG75-1/0 Fill 24" 3,479 yds
1620 1.6 oz/sq yd, 20x20 pw ECG150-1/0 W&F, 0.0032"Thick 42, 58" var weavesets, 5,302 yds
1625 2.68 oz/sq yd 40x28 ends/inch, ECDE150-1/0 W&F, 0.0038"Thick 40" 630 10,264 yds
1627 4.6 oz, 31x20 count, Plain Weave ECG150-1/0Warp, CS390 Fill 60"  628 yds
1628 2.71 oz/sq yd 40x28 ends/inch ECDE150-1/0 W&F 0.0043"Thick 40,47" CS330,
1629 1.8 oz 13x9 ends/inch, Plain ECG75-1/0Warp&Fill 47, 48" CS630 4,260 yds
1631 No construction data available 38" 632 257 yds
1632 3.75 oz 30x32 ends/inch G150-1/0W, G75-1/0F, 0.0049"thick 38, 50" 10,840 yds
1640 2.82 oz 40x21 ends/inch G150-1/0W, DE-100 1/0fill, 0.0040"t 24, 25" 272 5,954 yds
1641  1.8 oz 30x8 LENO net type cloth ECG150-1/0w,. ECG75-1/0f 50" CS465, 818  692 yds
1654 2.0 oz 20x8 plain wv 42" 443  124 yds
1655 0.46 oz/sq yd 10 x 5 ends inch LENO Net  74" 1,190 yds
1658  1.6 oz Plain 20x10 ECG150-1/0W ECG75-1/0 fill, 0.0037"thick  22, 24, 25, 36, 56, 58"   96,798 yds
1665 3.5 oz 40x24 plain, ECG150-1/0W ECDE 75 1/0 Fill, 0.0048"T  393G black  372 yds
1668   2.7 oz 60x10 ECG150-1/0W, ECE2255-1Fill, 0.0034"thick 56" 1 roll 1299 yds
1669 2.5 oz 60x12, ECG150-1/0warp, ECD450-1/0fill, 0.0032"thick 58.25"41,080 yds
1674 2.87 oz/sq yd, 40x32 ECG150-1/0 W&F, 0.0042"thick 31, 38, 44, 48, 50" Volan,greige 1100 yds
1675 2.85 oz/sq yd 40x32, ECDE150-1/0 W&F, 0.004"Thick 12,38,40,41,44,52" Heat cleaned 5,000 yds
1676 4.12 oz 55x48 ends/inch, Plain, ECDE150-1/0 W&F 44, 54" CS4441, CS112, CS210, CS4220 2,293 yds
1677 3.15 oz/sq yd, 41x40 ends/inch ECDE 150 1/0 w&f,. 0.0037" thick  38" Volan 247 yds
1678 3.2 oz/sq yd, 40x40 ends/inch ECG 150 1/0 w&f, 0.0011"Thick 44" Greige limited
1680 5.7 oz 8HS, 72x70 ends/inch ECDE 150 1/0 W&F, 0.0014"T  50,60" CS724  1,265 yds
1681 3.6 oz/sq yd 56x36ends/inch PW, ECDE 150 1/0 W&F 0.0045"T  38,51, 74" A1100,  4,177 yds
1688 No contruction data available  38" Greige 1108 yds
1689 No construction data available 74" CS462,962EB,622 Decorative 2,379 yds
1691 No contruction data available  74" CS462 480 yds
1692 3.19 oz, 40x22 G150-1/0W, G75-1/0f, 0.0052", 24, 47, 56, 64, 74" CS3995, limited stock
1694 3.54 oz, 40x24 ends/inch G150-1/0W, G75-1/0fill, 0.0052" thick 64,74

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