2.1 oz style 112
2.1oz/sq yd(osy) Fiberglass Cloth style 112
38" wide Stiff Finish for EPOXY
30 and 100 yard rolls
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Here's a good example of how the finish can effect the feel of the cloth as much as the weave. I guess this particular cloth was made for the miliatary. Style 112 has the lower thread count of 40 x 39 and if you compare that to the 2113 which has a thread count of 60 x 56 ends/inch you would be expecting it to be nice and soft. But with the A1100 amino silane based 538 not the case. Even though all weavers have some softened version of the amino based silane I've never seen a really soft version of it. And I've never seen the finish stiffness to have anything to do with age either. This cloth is new - not brand new but realatively new. This is really another story but with years of experience with fiberglass cloth I've never found the age of fabric to have any effect at all on the stiffness. The feel of fiberglass fabrics with whatever given finish they have are as they come right off the finish line. I know there's some argument about that out there but do they really know or are they just assuming things? Anyway I try to describe the cloth the best I can and just know that if this style 112 was with the 504 Volan finish it would be the boss, the chosen one, the best cloth you've ever used - the real 2 ounce the model people deserve - but its not - its just a stiff version of it. And you can add this finish to your mental library. All cloth will be effected by any given finish in pretty much the same way. But if you're doing a flat lay up without so many contours and need some 2 ounce with a low thread count that's - "Not squirelly" here you go - the 112 with A1100 amino silane based 538 is for epoxy resins - flat stuff not for intricate curvy stuff - for curvy intricate spots use cloth finished with Volan.